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To use the package as a command-line tool, run

$ dart run flutterando_metrics:metrics <command> lib

# or for a Flutter package
$ flutter pub run flutterando_metrics:metrics <command> lib

Alternatively, the package can be installed globally

$ dart pub global activate flutterando_metrics
$ metrics <command> lib

# or for a Flutter package
$ flutter pub global activate flutterando_metrics
$ metrics <command> lib

It will produce a result in one of the supported formats:

  • Console
  • GitHub
  • Checkstyle
  • Codeclimate
  • HTML
  • JSON

Note: you need to configure rules entry in the analysis_options.yaml to have rules report included into the result.

Available commands

The following table shows which commands you can use with the tool:

CommandExample of useShort description
analyzedart run flutterando_metrics:metrics analyze libReports code metrics, rules and anti-patterns violations.
check-unnecessary-nullabledart run flutterando_metrics:metrics check-unnecessary-nullable libChecks unnecessary nullable parameters.
check-unused-filesdart run flutterando_metrics:metrics check-unused-files libChecks unused *.dart files.
check-unused-l10ndart run flutterando_metrics:metrics check-unused-l10n libChecks unused localization in *.dart files.
check-unused-codedart run flutterando_metrics:metrics check-unused-code libChecks unused code in *.dart files.

For additional help on any of the commands, enter dart run flutterando_metrics:metrics help <command>

Multi-package repositories usage

If you run a command from the root of a multi-package repository (aka monorepo), it'll pick up analysis_options.yaml files correctly.

Additionally, if you use Melos, you can add custom command to the melos.yaml.

run: |
melos exec -c 1 --ignore="*example*" -- \
flutter pub run flutterando_metrics:metrics analyze lib
description: |
Run `flutterando_metrics` in all packages.
- Note: you can also rely on your IDEs Dart Analysis / Issues window.

Calling the cli from your own package with the linter configuration

If you have a separate package with all the linter and Flutterando metrics configurations which is used by your other packages and you want to call Flutterando metrics transitively add a bin folder with a Dart file, for example

import 'package:flutterando_metrics/cli_runner.dart';

Future<void> main(List<String> args) async {
await CliRunner().run(args);

After that you will be able to run Flutterando metrics by calling your package executable.